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Masks and Ash Crosses: A Sermon for Ash Wednesday

Sermon Ash Wednesday 2020 Text: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21           I learned something this week, I learned what a hypocrite was. The usage now is usually someone who says one thing, but does another. They say people need to behave in a certain way, but then they don’t behave that way themselves.           The original people called Hypocrites though were actually theater actors, the word refers to the people who would put masks on to act in plays, traditionally the happy and sad masks, you’ve probably even seen them, it’s the two faces we see above theaters often times. They would put the mask on to show the audience what their supposed emotion was. It would be as if they had a mask hiding who they actually were.           Jesus uses the word to complain about the people who pretend to do things so that people will focus on them. To say that they are...

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